Evening Legal™ Website Legal Disclaimer

You understand and agree that submitting information in the “contact us” form on this website or otherwise contacting or communicating with Evening Legal does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Evening Legal™ or any Evening Legal™ attorney. In order to create an attorney-client relationship with Evening Legal™, a written legal services agreement must be executed and signed by both you and the firm.

This website and its content may contain “communications” as defined by California Rules of Professional conduct. Your submission of information on the website or contacting an Evening Legal ™ attorney or this firm may constitute initiating a professional relationship within the California Rules of Professional Conduct, and by doing so, you agree to receive written solicitations or other marketing materials from Evening Legal™.

This website provides information materials only. Nothing contained in this website is or should be deemed legal advice or creating an attorney client relationship. If you need legal advice or legal representation, please contact an attorney for your particular situation.